Monday, April 9, 2012

Sweet Potato, Spinach, and Ricotta Pita Pizzas and A GIVEAWAY!

Pita pizzas saved my marriage.

Okay, okay that's not exactly true.

But pita pizzas did save my marriage from fast food, dry pork chops, and Kraft macaroni and cheese.

Way back in our honeymoon days, before I had a clue what it meant to braise meat or deglaze a pan, we spent many a night comforted by a quick, delicious pizza served on a premade pita.

Back in those days our pitas were typically dressed with canned tomato sauce, green pepper, onion, and sausage. It's our standard and I love it to this day.

But this, my friends, is an upgrade. It's the pita pizza not of a clueless newlywed, but of a slightly more adept, more creative, and more daring 2 years and going strong married woman.

I know it sounds a little strange at first. Sweet potato? On pizza?

Yes. OMG yes.

The mellowed bite of garlic and shallots coupled with creamy ricotta and savory sweet potato is like a disco party for your tastebuds. Oh, and there are some green vegetables on top too. Because I heard once you're supposed to eat those sometimes.

All in all, a quick, easy, and ultra flavorful meal. Everything I love about pita pizza, just classed up a bit.

Okay, enough talk about the food. Let's talk about this giveaway!

OXO products was kind enough to send me 2 of their handheld mandoline slicers--one to test and review here on the blog, and one to give away to one of you awesome, lovely people.

Here's the rundown. The slicer has three adjustable widths so your veggies can be paper thin or thick and sturdy, whichever way you like them. Adjusting the width takes about .59 seconds, and though I thought the mechanism seemed a little cheap at first, I had no problems with it holding in place while I worked.

Then there's the actual slicing. It's fast. Super fast. You can be through a whole potato in about 1 minute. Maybe 45 seconds. If you're willing to risk cutting off a few fingertips you could probably cut it to 30 seconds. Seriously.

In no time at all you're left with perfectly uniform slices ready to top pizzas, crisp in ovens, or be thrown into frittatas.

I had about an inch of potato at the end that I wasn't able to slice without feeling like my flesh was in grave danger. The mandoline comes with a little grippy handle doo-dad that's supposed to help you press the food down so you can slice clear down to the nubby ends, but mine didn't work well for the potato. Still, I was impressed by how little I had to leave behind.

You may also notice in the picture that the sweet potatoes stained the slicing surface a bit. I'm happy to inform you the stain came totally off with plain ol' soap and water and is looking as good as new again. And that whole cleaning part? Totally simple. No food stuck in weird, impossible to reach places. No pieces to deconstruct, detach, or disassemble. And, when you're ready to tuck your slicer in for the night, you'll be happy to find it takes up very little space in your drawer.

So how can you win one of these nifty mandoline slicers?

There are five ways to enter:

1. Leave a comment below sharing what you would put on your ultimate pita pizza.

You can earn up to four additional entries by doing any of the following:

2. Leave a comment letting me know you follow Bake.Eat.Repeat. on Twitter.
3. Leave a separate comment telling me you pinned this recipe to Pinterest.
4. Leave another comment letting me know you shared a link to the giveaway on Facebook.
5. Become a Google follower and then let me know in another comment (are you seeing a pattern here?)

This giveaway ends Saturday, April 14th at Midnight. A winner will be chosen at random and announced here on the blog on Monday. May the odds be ever in your favor! (Insert cheesy wink here)

Fine Print:
-This giveaway is provided by OXO. However, the opinions expressed in this review are solely my own. 
-Maximum 4 entries per person
-Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM Eastern time on Saturday, April 14th. 
-Winners will be announced here on the blog on Monday, April 16th. The winner will be expected to email within 4 days to claim the prize. If the winner has not responded within 4 days another winner will be chosen. 
-If the winning comment is an "extra entry," it will be subject to notification. 

Sweet Potato, Spinach, and Ricotta Pita Pizza
Yield: 2 servings
Recipe by

1/2 large sweet potato, peeled
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1/3 cup Pecorino Romano cheese (or Parmesan), plus more for serving
1/4 cup minced shallots (or about one small shallot)
1 1/2 cups fresh spinach, divided
2 pita breads
Olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Using the handheld mandoline slicer (or a knife), slice sweet potato into thin slices.
3. Place pitas on a large baking sheet. Spread minced garlic evenly over pitas.
4. Spread about 1/4 cup ricotta cheese over each pita. Sprinkle each pita with half of the Romano cheese and half the shallots. Spread sweet potato slices evenly over each pita. Sprinkle with a healthy amount of salt and pepper.
5. Spread 1/2 cup of spinach over each pita. Save the remaining half cup for topping after it comes out of the oven. Drizzle a small amount (about a teaspoon) of olive oil over each pita.
6. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until cheese is melted. If desired, place pitas under broiler for an additional 2 minutes to brown the outer edge of the crust and sweet potatoes.
7. Remove from oven and top each pita with 1/4 cup fresh spinach and a sprinkle of cheese. Serve immediately.


  1. I love a tomato, fresh mozzarella, olive oil and fresh basil. add the basil after baking, and voila, savory pizza! Bon appetit!

  2. I'm a big fan of the Moroccan pizza from Z Pizza on High, and I would re-create that. Pesto, eggplant, caramelized onion, pine nuts, and feta, I believe.

  3. Also, I pinned you. And posted on facebook! I reallllllly want that slicer! :)

  4. I only eat pepperoni pizza. But I would definitely eat a pepperoni pita pizza.

  5. Brie, apples, and ham on my pita pizza.

  6. I would stick with the greek theme and go with feta, chicken, tomatoes, olives, and spinach.

  7. Following you on twitter @ThatAshlei

  8. I would put some caramelized onions, gruyere cheese, and ham on a pita pizza.

  9. I'm following you on twitter: ljskop

  10. love the fresh ingredients! I will try yours if you try mine.

  11. I am a plain jane...and just love cheese! Lots and lots of cheese!

  12. feta, spinach, and cheese!

    jfong1130 at yahoo com

  13. pinned:

    jfong1130 at yahoo dot com

  14. following on twitter @jfong1130

    jfong1130 at yahoo dot com

  15. shared on facebook:

    jfong1130 at yahoo dot com

  16. I love a potato garlic pizza with a little bacon, white sauce, green onions and top with sour cream! So yummy! But I can't wait to try a sweet potato pizza - great idea!

  17. I did put this on pinterest so I would remember it. I do have a couple of questions though. In your blog you said that the slicer had three settings, but in the recipe you just said slice thin. How thin is thin, and does the 10-12 min baking time cook the potato enough so it is soft? Fun idea!

    1. Hi Beth! I sliced these on the medium setting or "2" setting on the mandoline slicer. This is a little thicker than you'd slice for potato chips, but not as thick as you might slice potatoes for, say, scalloped potatoes. The baking time does completely soften the potatoes, though they won't brown unless you turn on the broiler for a bit. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  18. I like BBQ Chicken pizza!

    Great giveaway.

  19. I follow you on Twitter!

  20. I am google follower too!

  21. hmmm. on my pita piza I would put some grilled chicken, peanut satay sauce, and sliced onion and green pepper. like a kebab but as pizza! mmm...

  22. and lastly, I am your google Friend. I will not, however, become a tweeter. ^_~

  23. I would have to say mozzarella, tomato, spinach, caramelized onions, green peppers, banana peppers, just a few jalapenos for an extra kick! And maybe a little ranch too calm down my extra kick lol

  24. And I posted this on Facebook
