Tuesday, June 5, 2012

10 Recipes for the Overzealous Strawberry Picker

You know what's great? Buckets of warm, shiny strawberries.

You know what's not so great? Dragging an angsty teenager out of bed at the crack of dawn on the first day of her summer vacation to pick said strawberries. 

Such was the story of my life for at least 6 years of middle school and high school. No revelatory sleeping in, no languishing for hours in the sun, no trip to the swimming pool. 

Nope, my first day of summer vacation was always spent picking, washing, hulling, slicing, smashing, and, yes, eating gallon after gallon of strawberries. 

Believe me, growing up I took every opportunity to complain about this tradition. But at the end of the long day, when my hands were stained a dusty rose, and I sat before a bowl of warm shortcake, sugared strawberries, and cold milk, even my grumpy teenage self had to admit life wasn't so bad.

This year, I plan to put myself through the same grueling (yes, maybe I still have a bit of my teenage dramatics left) process, because deep down I secretly love it. I love coming home from a morning of picking strawberries with dirt under my fingernails and a sunburn on my shoulders. I love that those little red beauties are still warm when we drag them into the house. I love that hand picked strawberries are a little gnarly, not like the uniform shape and size of the store bought variety. And most of all, I love eating them. I love the juice dripping down my chin, the seeds getting in my teeth, the sweet flesh giving way in my mouth.

Whether it's just been torn from it's leafy home or it's been smashed and sugared for dessert, nothing tells my tastebuds it's summer like fresh from the patch strawberries.

So for all of you crazies like me who on some lovely sunny day may find yourself suddenly surrounded by berries--berries in the sink, berries on the counter, berries in buckets on the floor--here are some recipes from Bake.Eat.Repeat. and some of my favorite blogs to help you put every last one to good use.


Summertime Strawberry Cake

Strawberry Oatmeal Cream Pies from A Kitchen Addiction

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie from Adorkable Recipes

Strawberry Pretzel Salad from Ezra Pound Cake

Spinach and Strawberry Salad (with homemade Strawberry Vinaigrette!)  from Pineapple Grass

Homemade Strawberry Jam from Savannah's Savory Bites


  1. Love the title! :) I'm thinking I need to try your strawberries and cream icebox cake soon!

    1. Thanks Jessica! It is so delicious and ridiculously easy to make. One of my favorites for a quick summer gathering!

  2. I need to research growing strawberries! My neighbor gave me a few plants a couple years ago and I added them to the corner of my garden, but I just can't seem to get berries on them! I noticed this year I have a couple, but we'll see if they are anything good. UGH! Yours look soooo good! {Oh - My mom used to make that Strawberry Pretzel Salad - I think I need to make it for my kids! Brings back many memories!}

    1. Honestly I'm not even sure how we did it. We planted ours last summer and didn't get any berries. We didn't do a thing to them but sure enough little berries popped up everywhere this year...and they actually grew out of our raised bed into the graveled areas around it. Weird. But I'm totally grateful! They are delicious!

  3. I love all of these recipes (I can't get enough of fresh strawberries)! But I'm especially loving the idea of grilled angel food cake - I've got to try this! :)

  4. What a great line up, Courtney. Thanks for featuring my jam and biscuit recipe.
