Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes



This is big news.

HUGE news. Like, we landed on the moon! huge. Or hey, all the laundry is actually done! huge.

I've finally found it. The most fantastical, delightful, lovely pancake recipe.

It's been a long road, friends. We've eaten a lot of flat pancakes. We've eaten a lot of pancakes that resemble bricks. We've consumed more than a few rubbery pancakes. We've eaten pancakes salty with the tears of futility (okay, that was perhaps a little dramatic).

But that's all over now. Because we've finally found the one. And we're never going back.

These are perfect. PERFECT! Everything I've ever wanted in a pancake.

Fluffy. Puffy. Buttery. Airy. Comfort-y.

They're so good they don't even need butter and syrup.

Of course that didn't stop me from adding it anyway. Because let's face it, the night you're having pancakes for dinner is not the night to practice restraint.

Believe it or not, they get even even better with syrup. The syrup soaks into every little nook and cranny so every bite has the perfect balance of puffy, buttery pancake and sweet, sultry syrup. Nooks and crannies, people. Nooks and crannies! In your pancakes.

So let's get down to business about the recipe. This is an easy, easy recipe! Promise.

The secret? A separated egg.

That's it. You don't have to whip egg whites, search the aisles of your grocery store for malt powder, or spend a billion dollars on a stand mixer.

All you do is separate an egg. Add the yolk in with your other wet ingredients. Add the white at the very end of the recipe.

I don't know why it works. I don't know why it creates the fluffiest, most delicious pancakes ever. I'm sure it's some crazy law of science or something.

All I know is this:

These pancakes are perfect.

You should make them soon...and by soon I mean today...and by today I mean now.

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes
Serves 3
Recipe adapted from The Kitchn

1 1/4 cups flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg, separated
4 Tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
1 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup milk
Canola oil

1. Heat a griddle over medium heat and cover with a thin layer of neutral oil. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, salt, soda, and baking powder.

2. In another medium bowl, whisk together egg yolk, butter, buttermilk, and milk.

3. Add yolk mixture to dry mixture and stir gently until barely combined.

5. Add egg white to the mixture and stir until a thick, lumpy bumpy batter forms. Stop before the batter smooths out! The egg white may not even be all the way incorporated. That's okay! We like lumps and bumps in our pancake batter.

6. Drop mixture by the half cup full onto the preheated pan. Sprinkle blueberries, chocolate chips, or other mix ins onto the surface of pancakes. Cook until bubbles start to appear on the exposed surface of the pancake. When bubbles appear, flip pancake and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes or until browned. Keep finished pancakes warm in a single layer on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees or serve immediately with butter and warm real maple syrup. (I know, I know, the real stuff is expensive. But as they say, ain't nothin like the real thing baby!)


  1. I really like the photography in this post. It makes me want to eat a pancake real bad.

  2. These look incredible! I am so making brinner tonight. And you made me laugh probably 4 different times while I was reading this. Such a winnning combination, reading about delicious food and laughing while doing so....now to get to the eating!

  3. My next breakfast? ...Solved.

  4. Love it! Totally on my weekend must do this!

  5. These do look perfect! In fact, they look so great that I don't want to wait until breakfast to try them! Who would've thought separating an egg would be so magical?!

    1. I know right? I love that there's still a sense of mystery about baking sometimes. Keeps things exciting!

  6. I am totally making this for breakfast. I have been searching for the best pancake recipe too. I will be following the procedure to the dot. Excited much. Thanks!

  7. Gorgeous photos! I haven't gotten around to breakfast yet, and I'm absolutely starving now, looking at your post! :) Great tip!

  8. These. Look. Amazing. I've been searching for the perfect pancake recipe for so long and can't wait to try these!

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

    2. Saw your recipe and made them right away. I too was on the road to find the perfect pancake recipe. And yours is truely is most fantastical, delightful, lovely pancake recipe ever!!!
      Thank you from the bottom of my very full tummy!
      Katie H.

    3. I'm so glad you liked them as much as we did! And thanks for coming back to comment. It makes my day!

  9. I had already eyed the ones on the Kitchn before finding your version. Surprisingly their photos weren't worthwhile, which is what kept me going on my search. I ended up trying out this recipe today, subbing in coconut oil for the butter, and they are exactly what I've been looking for in a non-whole wheat pancake. Thanks!

  10. Ok I will try but not today but soooon. The restaurant I went to taday and last week were crunchy.
    I did not see a link to print so I will go back one link and do it there.


  11. Thank you for sharing this recipe! I had it saved on foodgawker and finally got around to trying it. I doubled it, did not have buttermilk so I used whole milk and saco buttermilk powder. Added a tsp of vanilla. Used half butter and half organic coconut oil. These were the best pancakes I've ever made! SO tender. No rubbercakes here! Thanks again!

  12. So...I made these. And they are def my new fav from-scratch recipe. Even reheated, they're so fluffy and nice and crisp on the outside! I used white whole wheat flour and replaced the buttermilk with almond milk + apple cider vinegar and they were still fabulous :) Just when I was losing hope that I would never find a homemade recipe as good as restaurant-made pancakes...

    1. I still can't believe separating the egg makes that much of a difference!

    2. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! It seems you can make quite a lot of changes and substitutions and they still turn out great so the magic must be in that separated egg. I can't wait to try these with white whole wheat flour. Great idea!

  13. Hi Courtney! I found a link to this recipe that someone posted in the comments of the Kitchn's post about fluffy pancakes and I thought I'd try yours out. I'm SO glad I did! They. Were. Amazing. Seriously, I don't think I've ever had pancakes that good even in a restaurant! And my husband, who strangely has very, very high expectations when it comes to pancakes, DEVOURED a plate full! And now my mouth is watering thinking about them! Thank you!!
